The Dudes and Dolls Welcomes You!
Square Dancing is a fun, lively and inexpensive social activity enjoyed by young and old alike. If you're new to square dancing, we offer lessons to get you started quickly so you can begin enjoying square dancing as soon as possible.
We dance on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Friday from September through May. 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Higher rounds (Phase 3 and 4 and sometimes 5) with Debbie Taylor. 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Pre-rounds 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Mainstream square dance. We invite you to attend our dances at the Cedar Valley Grange here in Lynnwood, Washington. Driving directions are available. A fun square dance club isn't possible without a great caller and cuer. Our featured Square Dance Caller is Scott Coon (who does a fantastic Elvis impersonation) and our Round Dance Cuer is Debbie Taylor. During Debbie's career, she has cued dances and provided workshops at the national level. We have several guest callers and cuers scheduled throughout the dance season so watch the Dance Schedule for details. News & Items of Interest2016-2017 Dance Schedule Flyer
The 2016-2017 dance schedule flyer is now available to download and print. All the "home" club dances are shown. 2016 Fall Dance Flyer Dudes & Dolls Dances --- September thru December, 2016. Dance Punch Cards are Available
The club will be selling a dance punch card this season - to members and non-members. The cost will be $35 for 6 dances. So the purchase will be for 5 dances with the 6th dance for free. This punch card can be used for 5th Friday dances, but the additional $1 must be paid if used at a 5th Friday dance. unch Cards will be available for purchase at the sign-in table beginning with our first dance. The cards are good through May 31st. Dudes & Dolls Promotional Video
Thanks to Fred Becher, we have a D&D promotional video that you can share with family, friends and anyone interested in trying square dancing, or those that might be interested in what it is that you do every other Friday night. Find it under the "About Our Club" menu link. Saddlebrooke Squares Video Square Dance Lessons
The Saddlebrooke Squares Square Dancing Club of Tucson (Arizona) have free, online square dancing lessons and DVDs available for purchase. If you're new to square dancing or need a refresher lesson, these are great. Plus lessons are also available. Learn To Square Dance!
Did you know that we offer square dancing lessons?
Learn Modern Square Dancing here at the Cedar Valley Grange. Available to all ages. It's great fun - exercises the body and sharpens the mind.
Read what others have to say about lessons here at the Cedar Valley Grange. |
Orange You Glad You Wore Black? Halloween Dance Oct. 28th Dance Lessons Start on January 10, 2017! Learn Modern Square Dancing |